Converts XML to pretty XML.
Usage: java igpp.xml.PrettyXML [options] file
usage: igpp.xml.PrettyXML
-c,--compact | Compact. Generate compact output. Extra whitespace is removed. |
-h,--help | Dispay this text |
-i,--indent {arg} | Indent. The string to use as the indent. Default: 3 spaces. |
-o,--output {arg} | Output. Output generated document to {file}. Default: System.out. |
-v,--verbose | Verbose. Show status at each step. |
Development funded by NASA's PDS project at UCLA.
A command like:
where 'flat.xml' contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <doc> <name>John</name> <sibling> <name>Paul</name> <child> <name>William</name> </child> </sibling> </doc>
will generate XML that looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <doc> <name>John</name> <sibling> <name>Paul</name> <child> <name>William</name> </child> </sibling> </doc>